Question 1: Explain the process of digestion and absorption.
Question 2: Name the digestive organs, accessory organs, and secretions involved.
Question 3: Identify the digestion sites for absorption and digestive action (chemical or mechanical), and trace the breakdown of nutrients throughout the digestive tract: what happens in the mouth? Stomach? Duodenum? Jejunum? Ileum? What is the function of the liver, pancreas, and colon?
Question 4: List the end products of digestion for carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.
Question 5: There are enzymes secreted in the saliva, stomach, duodenum, and from pancreas. What are the names of these enzymes what do they act on?
Please refer to pages 239 - 246 in our textbook (3rd ed.), and pages 208 - 215 (4th ed). " NUTRITION REAL PEOPLE- REAL CHOICES" BY CLINTON D. ALLRED, NANCY D. TURNER, AND KAREN S. GEISMAR