
Explain the principles of marketing


Word count: Approximately 3000 words.


This unit is designed to introduce students to the principles of marketing, enabling them to develop a basic marketing plan and to employ elements of the marketing mix to achieve results. While they will learn the underpinning theories and frameworks, they will also be able to relate these to real-world examples, including products/services that they encounter in their own daily lives.


The evidences towards this assignment should include;


 Marketing strategy (7Ps marking mix)

 Marketing plan

Part 1:

Explain the role of marketing and how it interrelates with other functional units of an organisation.


You are a newly appointed Marketing Manager of a relatively new transportation company ‘Your Destination' specialised in providing transportation facilities nationwide. The company is growing fast and after 3 years of successful operation within London and Essex, senior management has finally decided to become a nationwide company with branches in Manchester, Newcastle, Glasgow and Aberdeen etc. One of the main objective is to be able to compete with National Express who is the market leader.

The organisation is looking to recruit two Marketing Officers to cope with the expansion plan. As the Marketing Manager you have been requested to prepare a memo for circulation before the next senior management meeting.

The content of the memo should

a) Explain the key duties and responsibilities for a Marketing Officer and a proposed structure and operations of the marketing department.

b) Explain how the roles and responsibilities will contribute to the wider organisational objectives.

Part 2:

Compare ways in which organisations use elements of the marketing mix (7Ps) to achieve overall business objectives

Develop and evaluate a basic marketing plan

The marketing strategy will be one of key items on the agenda for the next senior management meeting. Your line manager who is the Chief

Executive Officer has requested you to come up with a marketing plan for discussion in the meeting.

a) Using the 7Ps compare Your Destination approach to applying the marking mix to that of National Express in achieving the business objectives.

b) Produce a basic marketing plan for the nationwide expansion.

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Marketing Management: Explain the principles of marketing
Reference No:- TGS02059505

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