
Explain the primary reason for the performance appraisal

Chapter: Selective Hiring

In your opinion, what are of some necessary characteristics of a great potential employee for a hospitality business? For at least three of the characteristics you mentioned, explain why you feel they are necessary.

Describe some challenges of hiring employees with skills that match those in the firm’s job analysis/descriptions and job specifications?

A. What does the term, Warm Body Theory, refer to? Include in your response, why a company uses the Warm Body Theory of hiring, the problems it causes and how to avoid it.

Define Multiple Hurdle and Compensatory hiring strategies and describe their importance in the hiring process (i.e., when to use one or the other; is it even possible to use the multiple hurdle strategy for most hourly positions; for compensatory hiring strategies, can you place a quantifiable limit on what you will and will not accept?). Provide examples of firms that use each strategy.

What is the Legal Retention Time for employment applications in the U.S.?

What HR policies that has already been covered in the course is important in creating questions that will be asked of applicants and in determining whom to hire (hint: from chapter 5)? Why are they important?

What are Pre-Qualifying Questions and why are they important?

Define Situational and Behavioral questions. What are the benefits of each type of question?

What are Multi-Tasking Questions and what are some advantages of using them?

Why are Background Checks important? Give at least four examples of potential problems that can be avoided by an effective background check.

In general, what types of questions should you not ask in an interview? Provide at least two reasons why should you not ask them.

Select and describe three Common Assessment Problems (forms of interview bias) that you feel are the most common.

What is your opinion of using personality tests as a hiring tool?

Do you feel that a Work Sample or Trial Shift are feasible testing tools that can be used for all or most hospitality positions?

Chapter : Training

What is the purpose of training? What happens if a company does not have a good training program?

Discuss the similarity between routine training and a hospitality managers’ main responsibilities of assuring customer satisfaction and achieving a reasonable profit.

Discuss at least four benefits of training.

What are some various types of training that take place in the hospitality industry (e.g., training new employees)? What do you feel is the most challenging and why?

A. What are the four parts/steps for Developing a Training Program (this is the overall process required to develop a training program; not JIT, Knowledge/Ability Hierarchy or any other list that focuses on one element of the program)? Describe what occurs in each step and the importance of each step.   

What are the two major categories of training methods? Give a few examples of each.

What do you feel is the most effective training method and why?

Chapter : Performance Appraisals and Discipline

Describe the concept of performance appraisals, including the phrase, policies should be in writing, communicated and enforced.

Give some reasons why managers neglect performance appraisals and disciplining employees.

Explain the primary reason for the performance appraisal. Include in your response what is measured in a performance appraisal?

Describe the importance of the manager/employee relationship in the appraisal process.

Discuss various forms of bias in performance appraisals.

Differentiate between informal and formal performance appraisals.

Discuss direct and indirect forms of performance appraisals.

What is a 360-degree performance appraisal?

Discuss the advantages of a self-appraisal and how it might be implemented.

Differentiate between appraising quantitative and qualitative duties and tasks.

What is the three/four tier performance appraisal process and why is it so popular and successful?

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Operation Management: Explain the primary reason for the performance appraisal
Reference No:- TGS02569120

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