
Explain the potential obstacles of assessment


A. According to the National Association for the Education of Young Children, the assessment of children's development and learning is essential for teachers and programs in order to plan, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of the classroom experiences.

B. For this assignment, you will create an informal assessment presentation that you could share with prospective employers, your administrator, or other teachers and colleagues.

C. Since you will be presenting to others in the field, there is no need to explain the basics of the assessment; rather, use this assignment to dive deeper with your explanation.

D. This presentation should be a showcase of the knowledge you have regarding three specific informal assessments that are developmentally appropriate for children as well as your critical reflection of how you view the assessment adding to the quality of your program for your children.

E. Choose three specific assessments from the list below:

· Anecdotal Records

· Checklists

· Event Sampling

· Portfolios

· Rating Scales

· Running Record

· Teacher and Child Self-Assessments

· Time Sampling

For each assessment:

1. Describe how the assessment will be used to support the following areas:

o Planning and Adapting Curriculum

o Improving Teacher and Program Effectiveness

o Tracking Children's Progress for Teachers and Families

o Screening for Special Needs.

2. Discuss the advantages of using the assessment.

3. Explain the potential obstacles of using the assessment.

4. Develop a plan of action to attempt to overcome obstacles.

5. While the required content will stay the same, you may be creative with how you will present your work. Some ideas include:

Visual/Text. You can create a text-based reflection using Word, PowerPoint, or PDF format. it is suggested that you save your work as a PDF

6. For this assignment, be sure you have addressed the four requirements with careful thought and college-level writing.

7. Please integrate your own insights and reflections, as well as research, as you complete this assignment. Additionally, refer to the textbook as well as at least one additional scholarly source. Citations must be properly formatted in APA style.

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Other Subject: Explain the potential obstacles of assessment
Reference No:- TGS02083189

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