
Explain the positive and negative outcomes of transformation


A. In the Chapter 1 section, Great Leaps Forward, the textbook details 3 physical / cultural traits that make humans Super Endurance Predators. Identify and explain EACH of these traits as well as the significance of TWO associated related advances.

B. Explain the role that Hunting and Foraging, Religion, and Warfare had in the origin sport.

C. The Physical Activity as a Tool and Jewel section explains some of the health benefits of regular physical activity. We see evidence in the anthropological record that as our ancestors transitioned from hunter foragers to farmers they began to experience some of the issues associated with a more sedentary lifestyle (although not to the degree that we a see in contemporary society).

D. List and explain the Positive and Negative outcomes of the transformation from the hunter forager lifestyle and tribe centered communities to cultivators of plants and animals living in larger "city-states"?

E. Explain the difference between approaching physical activity from the Tool (utility) perspective and the Jewel (play) perspective and how each impacts individual motivation and adherence to regular exercise.

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