Explain the play principle decentralizing sets

Discuss the below:

Q1: Check strategy-proofness and evaluate efficiency of the reverse priority-based mechanisms.

Q2: Give the definitions and illustrative examples for the following terms:

Planning mechanism Strategic behavior Strategy-proof mechanism Direct mechanism Preference function

Type of an agent Fair play principle Decentralizing sets

Perfect concordance condition Hypothesis of weak contagion Single-peaked function

Mechanism of proportional allocation Dictator

Anonymous mechanism Mechanism of serial allocation Mechanism of transfer prices Transfer price

Cobb-Douglas function Expert mechanism

Spence-Mirrlees single-crossing condition Incentive-compatibility condition Condition of individual rationality

Rank-order tournament Auction:

Continuous auction Discrete auction Direct auction Simple auction

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Other Subject: Explain the play principle decentralizing sets
Reference No:- TGS01988129

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