
Explain the pathophysiology of left-sided heart failure and

Question: Objective: Identify the type of heart failure based on data presented in the case study. Express your understanding of the pathophysiology and clinical aspects of heart failure.Answer other questions associated with heart failure.

Instructions: 1. Read and review information about the topic. You can use your textbook,( Porth's Pathophysiology. Concept of Altered HealthStates 9th edition. By Sheila Grossman,Carol Mattson Por), other nursing or medical books, scientific articles, or scholarly websites (American Heart Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). All sources used in this assignment must be ‘scholarly sources'. Please remember that WebMD, Wikipedia, and other internet sites are not considered scholarly sources.

2. Carefully, read the case study.

3. Answer the questions that follow the case study. These questions are to be answered in a 3-4-page paper that conforms to APA formatting, including cover page, citations, direct quotes, and reference page.

4. All submitted papers will be analyzed for originality through the Turnitin program. Please refer to the course syllabus for the academic honesty statement which includes plagiarism.

5. Please review and understand the grading rubric for each assignment.

Questions: 1. Explain the pathophysiology of left-sided heart failure and right-sided heart failure.

2. In a chart, please compare and contrast the signs and symptoms of left-sided and right-sided heart failure.

3. Based on the information given in this case study, what type of heart failure do you suspect that Carol has developed?

a. Identify specific data from the case study that supports your answer.

b. Explain the pathophysiology for the data you identified in 3a. Be sure to cite your references.

4. What is the probable cause of the heart failure?

5. Identify 4 risk factors that probably contributed to Carol's past heart attack. Please indicate if each risk factor is modifiable or not.

a. How does Carol's blood pressure affect her current health status?

b. Why is Carol tachycardic?

c. Why is Carol tachypneic?

d. Based on her BMI, what can you say about Carol's weight?

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Dissertation: Explain the pathophysiology of left-sided heart failure and
Reference No:- TGS02841096

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