
Explain the organization of your review in 3 parts explain



Topic: Literature Review on Elderly Adult NutritionandReferences Page in AMA Format

By this point in the course, you have learned the importance of an evidence-based approach to public health. This applies to the use of public health communication interventions as well. This assignment contains 2parts: 1) prepare and post a scientific review of applicable literature, and 2) create and post a reference page of the literature reviewed or otherwise used in your e-Portfolio. The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the need (i.e., evidence) for using your health communication intervention in your priority population and to reference the sources used in the production of your artifacts.

Prepare a Literature Review

For the first part of this assignment,write a seamless literature review of 1,500words based on a minimum of 10 current sources that specifically address the issue. Your sources must include references that describe the problem and population epidemiologically (person, place, time), as well as the feasibility of using your planned approach. It is important that you recognize the purpose of this assignment: it is to lay the foundation for your planned hypothetical health communication intervention. Therefore, choose articles and reports that support the need for your intervention and why it should be done; for this assignment,do not review research that examines outcomes of past interventions unless it provides support for the need for your intervention. At least 6 of your sources must be peer-reviewed journal articles and 4 may be either government or professional reports. You may access articles and reports from the Internet if they meet the stated criteria. General information and encyclopedic websites like Wikipedia or WebMD do not qualify, however. Nor do proprietary or commercial sites. All 10 of the required references must have been published within the past 8 years; obtain more current population data when possible.

Use your own words to link information from your sources into a seamless narrative. Important and illustrative quotes may be used as long you do not exceed 100 words, you set the verbatim extracts in quotation marks, and you properly cite the source. Properly cite all references, quotes or not, using AMA (American Medical Association) style. Check out Dr. Able Scribe's AMA Style Stat website for help in applying that style to your assignments.

Divide your literature review into 3sections, labeling it exactly as follows:


• Identify your purpose in writing the review: to describe the problem your proposed health communication intervention will address, giving the appropriate justification for its use.

• Briefly describe your proposed intervention.

• Explain the organization of your review in 3 parts.

• Explain the selection criteria you used to include or exclude the references you did.

Body of Evidence

• Group your references by types and discuss them by what they have in common (reviews, theoretical articles, case studies, community trials, policy papers, etc.).

• Summarize the findings of individual references according to the merits of each one's contribution: give more space for more important findings.

• Compare and contrast what the references have in common and where they differ.

• Do not mix conclusions into the body; do not attempt to explain why data in some reports may differ from that in others. Simply report the research in your references.

• Bridge the findings from one reference to another in seamless narrative. Use appropriate transitions between paragraphs. Remind readers of earlier references when helpful.

Summary and Conclusions

• Summarize the main contributions of your most relevant and significant references to knowledge about your priority population and problem, i.e., the evidence supporting the purpose you stated in your introduction.

• Explain differences in results or conclusions among your studies, if any. Discuss methodological flaws, gaps or inconsistencies in research, areas for future research.

• Conclude by applying the overall research findings to your intervention. Provide a statement that establishes the link between the need and your planned intervention.

Include a title page for your literature review. Using AMA style, show the following information: the title, your name, name and number of course, and date.

Prepare a References List

As you complete your review, put all of your cited references into a separate "References" page for your blog. Set up a hyperlink to it on your home page. Carefully follow AMA style in listing your references. Add to this list any sources you use in preparing your artifacts or other parts of your blog throughout the course.

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Dissertation: Explain the organization of your review in 3 parts explain
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