Explain the nox emissions of diesel cars

Discussion Post

I. Volkswagen Emission Scandal

i. Explain why VW was seen as a green company before the emissions scandal.

ii. What was the motivation for VW to expand in the US market? Explain in detail what problem the US experienced that VW could assist with by supplying their diesel vehicles.

iii. Explain the NOx emissions of Diesel cars. (What environmental problem it causes, health problems related to it, how it can be managed in diesel vehicles, why VW did not opt to use it, Standards set in US, how it is regulated)

iv. In light of the above problems, why didn't they rather opt for hybrid or electric cars?

II. The scandal

i. Discuss the emissions scandal in detail (what was discovered, how it was discovered)
ii. How did VW respond, immediately and up to date
iii. Fallout for VW

III. CID and ethics management

i. Some people blamed the wrong decisions on the engineers, but others blamed the company. Discuss the CID structure and explain whether the individual engineer or the company can be held accountable

ii. Lots of articles were written about the ethical culture at VW and that it is to blame for what happened. Discuss the type of ethical culture that was prevalent at VW during the time of the scandal and how it contributed to what happened or did not happen. (Management, Board, Ethics management)

iii. Having a Code of conduct is part of good ethics management. Study the current Code of conduct of VW and decide whether it is a directional code or an aspirational code. Motivate your answer.

iv. Find specific sections from the current VW Code of conduct that should prevent a repeat of this scandal, if it is followed. (Link the section with a specific action that took place.

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Business Management: Explain the nox emissions of diesel cars
Reference No:- TGS03125669

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