Explain the Normal Depth Equation
The equation is derived from the Chezy-Manning equation. As written below it determines the diameter of a circular storm or sanitary sewer when the Qfull, roughness coefficient (n) and slope (s) are known.
D = 1.335 (n Qfull /(s) 0.5) 0.375
Rearranged, the equation can determine Qfull when the inside diameter, roughness coefficient and slope are known.
Qfull 0.375 = (D (s)0.188)/(1.335 (n)0.375)
Rearranged, the equation can determine the slope of a sewer installation if Qfull, roughness coefficient and diameter are known.
(s)0.5 = (n Qfull)/(D/1.335)2.67