
Explain the new inventionresearch result what is it and its


Report format- Three of text minimum, single line space, size 12, font times new roman

Graphs, data tables and reference list (if applicable) are on additional page(s)

Topic: Research any real life examples/ new research on the first law of thermodynamics and describe how it applies to real life applications.

Please use scientific data/evidence to support your statements in the following rubrics.

1. Explain the new invention/research result (what is it) and its application in real-life (how it works) accompanied by formulas, graphs and diagrams if applicable.

2. Physics principals/laws involved in/related to this application(which part/function).

3. What are the new advancements/discoveries made, the stage of this new development applicable to real-life, remaining tasks to yield the final outcomes/product.

4. The impact/benefits that this new application to our everyday life and its importance.

Please Include a works cited page after the 3 pages of text.

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Dissertation: Explain the new inventionresearch result what is it and its
Reference No:- TGS02792822

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