
explain the microscopemicroscope is a powerful

Explain the Microscope?

Microscope is a powerful and crucial basic tool in the field of microbiology. Microbiology, as we have already studied in our theory Course, is the science dealing with the organisms too small to be seen with unaided eye. The existence of microbial life to the world was introduced first by Antony Van Leeuwenhoek in 1673, with the help of simple, crude, self-made, single-lens microscope having a magnification of about 300.

Over the years, microscopes have evolved to increase the magnification several thousand fold. Modern day microscopes are either light microscopes or electron microscopes. Light microscopes use either visible light or ultraviolet rays to illuminate specimens. These are generally used to look at intact cells. On the other hand, electron microscopes use electron beams instead of light rays and electromagnets instead of lenses. These are generally used to look at internal structures or details of cell surface.

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Biology: explain the microscopemicroscope is a powerful
Reference No:- TGS0292373

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