
Explain the meaning of the sacrificial lamb

Assignment task: After reading through Exodus chapters 12 and 13, try to explain the meaning of the sacrificial lamb in the dinner and the meaning of the blood-on-the-doorframe ritual. How does this symbolic meal transform your understanding of Jesus' last supper with his disciples as recorded in Luke 22:7-20. Use the following questions as a guide.

Pray for Insight: What are the key truths God intends to communicate from these passages? Ask God to help you understand what this passage means to you.

God Being Revealed: What does this tell you about God and who He is? How does it point forward to Jesus? Spend time worshipping Him accordingly.

Now Let's Respond: What does God want you to obey or do differently in your life today? Ask God to help you change.



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Reference No:- TGS03424333

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