
Explain the marketing planning process and arguemarketing

Assignment Brief


To cover all the learning outcomes you must attempt all the tasks. Failure to attempt all the tasks will result in a referral. To ensure good academic practice at postgraduate level you must reference all your citations, in the text, in the Harvard format (see the programme's student handbook for more information). All references, in the text, must be listed on a reference page at the end of the assignment, but before any appendices.

Format your assignment by answering each task in turn, labelling each task, and subtask, with the appropriate number and letter. Please remember to put your name and student number on the assignment.

After completing the Marketing Principles module you should be able to:

- Understand the concept and process of marketing

- Use the concepts of segmentation, targeting and positioning

- Understand the individual elements of the extended marketing mix

- Use the marketing mix in different contexts

Assignment Task

The assignment is in two parts:

PART A is to be submitted for final assessment with Part B (i.e. in ONE document containing PARTS A & B) on 28 September 2015.

In order to assist with your learning and to give you some early feedback you are encouraged to submit a draft of your FULL ANSWERS to Part Aand / or an OUTLINE / PLAN of your answers to PART B to your tutor. You are then able to alter your workaccordingly after receiving feedback and before the final submission.

This is optional and does not contribute to the grading for the module and whether you do this or not you must still submit Part A with Part B i.e. in one MS Word document, on28 September 2015.

If you do decide to complete either, or both, of the ‘drafts' then, in order to receive timely feedback,they must be emailed to the module tutor by 13 August 2015latest.You can email the drafts/s to your tutor earlier if you are ready to but please ensure that you have worked through the learning materials BEFORE you put any draft work / assignment plan together.

The tutor's email address can be found on the module page on ilearn and you will receive feedback within seven working days.


In Unit 3 of the ilearn learning materials you will have discovered the basis of the 4Ps (the basic marketing mix) as well as the ‘extended' 7Ps. This initial short assignment task gives you an opportunity to apply it and to receive some early feedback from your tutor.

You should identify two similar products with similar basic product features that aim at different CONSUMER (4.1)market segments. You do not need to concern about where the product was developed and made. It can be made locally or imported. For example you might compare a shampoo formulated for baby that can be used by adults and a shampoo formulated for women who suffering from hair loss. You should then use the table format shown below to illustrate, analyseand explainhow the two businesses use each of the elements of the marketing mix for the products/services that you have selected.

(You should try to use 2 x academic sources (one of which must be the core e-text recommended for the course) as well as 2 x non-academic sources (e.g. magazine article, website)in your answer to PART A ensuring to reference their source correctly - this will allow for a better balance of theory / practice in your writing which is key to a good grade.)


Scenario -Introducing a smart phone to your local market

You are the marketing manager of a well-known international smart phone designer and manufacturer. You are tasked to lead a newly designed Android based state-of the-art smart phone launch to your local market. The product has a lot of new features and functions that other competing Android based smart phones cannot offer.

You are required to prepare a marketing proposal to your business head highlighting the market competitive situation, customer characteristics and proposed marketing strategies for the product to the targeted consumer groups of your choice. You are to submit your report on TBA.

Your report should cover the following:

Task 1: Marketing Context (approx. 800 words)

- Explain the marketing planning process and argue"marketing oriented approach"for the smart phone product

- Outline some of the macro i.e. external (e.g. PESTLE) and micro i.e. internal (e.g. SWOT) factors for the smart phone company to consider when making marketing decisions

Task 2: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (approx. 1000 words)

Consider the new smart phone

Explain and propose segmentation criteria for new smart phone product for two different markets (e.g. using the approach of behaviour segmentation, benefit segmentation, demographic segmentation, or psychographic segmentation)(Assessment Criteria 2.2)

- Use examples from the two markets used in the above answer to demonstrate how buyer behaviour affects marketing activities in the different buying situations.

- Propose a suitable targeting strategy and positioning for smart phone product.

Task 3: Marketing Mix / Marketing mix in different contexts (approx. 700 words)

- Plan the marketing mix (including all 7Ps) for the smart phone in BOTH consumer and business markets - this will help you to illustrate the differences that the smart phone might have to consider when marketing smart phone productto businessesrather than consumers.

- Discuss and show how and why the smart phonemight have to adapt the marketing mix if they were to also offer the new product to an international market.

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Marketing Research: Explain the marketing planning process and arguemarketing
Reference No:- TGS01524009

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