
Explain the major differences between a utilitarian

Question: 1. Explain the major differences between a utilitarian, deomtological, and virtue ethics normative framework and defend via analyzing at least three of the philosophers

2. The topics of what a consititutes a person, personhood, and personal identity have long been debated in philosophy. explain the develpoment of this topic by analyzing three philosophers

3. Skepticism is an ever present specter ready to undermine our confidence in any philosophical theory. advise how two of the philosophers we have studied attempted to refute the skeptic and analyze at least one philosopher who embraced skeptical conclusions. explain if you believe these attempts have been successful or if you believe philosophical skepticism can never be refuted

4. Compare and contrast; 1.the metaphysical positions of idealism and realism and 2. the epistemological position of rationalism and empiricism. use at least one philosopher we have studied to analyze each one of these philosophical positions. specify and defend which epistemological and metaphysical position you prefer or if neither explain why

5. Can political philosophy provide an adequate method of establishing a legitimate and just government? are the rights and freedoms a state should protect universal (natural rights) or relative? do citizens have a duty to obey laws they feel are unjust, if not what can they do- ie, overthrow the government, leave the state , break the news. analyze at least four philosophers we have studied in answering these questions.

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Dissertation: Explain the major differences between a utilitarian
Reference No:- TGS02305680

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