
Explain the main dimensions of variation of electoral


Pick sixof the following terms and provide a short definition for each one of them:

Party system polarization
Party system fragmentation
Electoral system
Proportional representation
District magnitude
Arena legislature
Parliamentary government
Weberian bureaucracy
Spoils system
New Public Management
Welfare regime


Pick three of the following pairs of concepts and explain the differences between its components in one or two paragraphs:

Arena legislature / Transformative legislature
Presidential system / Semi-presidential system
Open list electoral sytem / Closed list electoral system
Plurality system / Majority system
Welfare state / Welfare regime
Weak post-colonial state / Modernizing state
Conservative welfare regime / Social-democratic welfare regime


Pick two of the following topics and develop each one of them in a short essay of no more than four pages:

a) Explain the main dimensions of variation of electoral. systems and analyze their possible effects on the structure and dynamics of party systems
b) Analyze the main determinants of the power of legislatures.
c) Analyze the main comparative advantages of presidential and parliamentary systems
d) Explain how the New Public Management Model attempts to deal with problems of bureaucratic efficiency & accountability.
e) Analyze the most significant impacts of globalization on the central dimensions of advanced capitalist states.
f) Explain the main difficulties experienced by weak post-colonial states facing the challenges of a globalizing international environment.

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