
Explain the leader-follower relationship

Complete the mcq:

1. The leader-follower relationship represents the influence __________.

a. of the leader on the follower
b. of the follower on the leader
c. of the leader on the group
d. between the leader and the follower

2. _________ is the process of a leader communicating ideas, gaining acceptance of them, and motivating followers to support and implement the ideas through change.

a. Leadership
b. Influence
c. Management
d. Guidance

3. Which of the following is a managerial role category?

a. interpersonal
b. intrapersonal
c. informational
d. a and c only

4. Which of the following is categorized as one of Mintzberg's the informational leadership roles, which is becoming increasingly important because of rapid technological changes?

a. negotiator
b. liaison
c. monitor
d. resource-allocator

5. The three levels of analysis of leadership theory include all of the following EXCEPT:

a. individual.
b. group.
c. behavioral.
d. organizational.

6. Much of the current research at the ________ level focuses on how top level managers can influence organizational performance.

a. group
b. individual
c. organizational
d. conceptual

7. The leadership paradigm that assumes leaders are born, not made, is _________ theory.

a. trait
b. behavioral
c. integrative.
d. contingency

8. A successful sales manager was promoted to being CEO of a large conglomerate. Shortly afterward, the manager decided that his/her style of leadership was inappropriate and altered the way he/she practiced leading. This is an example of _________.

a. contingency leadership
b. performing the figurehead role
c. organizational learning
d. None of the above.

9. Research has found that managers who had derailed tend to have __________.

a. worked too hard, then burned out
b. displayed a lack of trust in their subordinates
c. relied on only one contemporary leadership theory
d. been overly ambitious

10. Which of the following is NOT a trait of high conscientiousness?

a. organization
b. extraversion
c. conformity
d. credibility

11. Self-confidence is best categorized as the _________ Big Five dimension.

a. adjustment
b. agreeableness
c. surgency
d. conscientiousness

12. Emotional intelligence is related to which of the following Big Five personality dimensions?

a. surgency
b. openness to experience
c. adjustment
d. conscientiousness

13. The Leader Motive Profile (LMP) includes a __________.

a. high need for achievement
b. moderate need for power
c. low need for achievement
d. high need for power

14. "If you want something done right, do it yourself," is an example of _________ attitude.

a. Theory X
b. Theory Y
c. Theory Z
d. XYZ Profile

15. Ethics is defined as __________.

a. the standards of right and wrong that influence behavior
b. creating a win-win situation for all stakeholders
c. adhering to legal limits
d. what top management thinks is right

16. The process of blaming one's unethical behavior on others is known as __________.

a. distortion of consequences
b. displacement of responsibility
c. attribution of blame
d. diffusion of responsibility

17. According to the University of Iowa studies on leadership styles, a democratic leader __________.

a. closely supervises workers
b. makes the decisions
c. tells employees what to do
d. None of the above.

18. The _________ leader strives to maintain a friendly atmosphere without regard for production.

a. middle-of-the-road
b. authority-compliance
c. country-club
d. impoverished

19. All of the following are levels of needs in the hierarchy of needs theory EXCEPT:

a. physiological.
b. safety.
c. social.
d. psychological.

20. Which of the following scholars of motivation theory would argue for loading a job with opportunity for advancement, substantial responsibility, and likelihood of recognition?

a. B. F. Skinner
b. Frederick Herzberg
c. Abraham Maslow
d. David McClelland

21. To motivate employees with a high n Aff, you should do all of the following EXCEPT:

a. try to include them in decision making.
b. delegate responsibility for orienting and training new employees to them.
c. give them lots of praise and recognition.
d. let them work alone.

22. Last year the sales team was worst in its company, having been outperformed by six other teams. This year, the new team manager believes that the team might make a third-place finish if he sets difficult, challenging goals for them. This is an example of which of the following motivational theories?

a. expectancy theory
b. hierarchy of needs theory
c. goal-setting theory
d. reinforcement theory

23. The manager who believes that employees work harder if they get a written reprimand as soon as they slow down at work is attempting to practice __________.

a. expectancy theory
b. hygienic motivation
c. intrinsic motivation
d. reinforcement

24. As a manager who practices reinforcement theory, you know that __________ is the least effective method in motivating employees to do a good job.

a. positive reinforcement
b. avoidance reinforcement
c. extinction
d. punishment

25. Each of the following questions is answered by either content, process, or reinforcement theories EXCEPT:

a. "What needs do employees have that should be met on the job?"
b. "How do employees choose behavior to fulfill their needs?"
c. "What personality traits cause people to behave in certain ways?"
d. "What can managers do to get employees to behave in ways that meet the organizational objectives?"

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HR Management: Explain the leader-follower relationship
Reference No:- TGS01851410

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