Explain the Laws and rules of atlantic case
There are several laws and rules which were applicable to this situation:
- Paris Convention on Aerial Navigation of 1919
- Havana Convention on Civil Aviation 1928
- Draft Hague Rules on Aerial Warfare 1923
- Chicago Convention 1944
- ICAO - International Civil Aviation Organization (formed by the Chicago Convention1944 )
- Annexure "L" to Chicago Convention of 1944 - Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation.
- International Air Transport Agreement of 1944.
- International Air Service Transit Agreement of 1944
- ICAO Rules for Settlement of Differences under the Chicago Convention.
- ICAO - Manual Concerning Safety Measures Relating to Military Activities Potentially Hazardous to Civil Aircraft.
- San Remo Manual on International Law Applicable to Armed Conflicts at Sea 1994.
- International Law Commission (ILC) Draft Articles on State Responsibility
- Article 2(4) of the UN Charter
- Statute of the International Court of Justice (ICJ)
- Agreement Between Pakistan and India on Prevention of Air Space Violation 1991.