
Explain the key chemical properties as applicable and


Course Textbook: Fuller, T. P. (2015). Essentials of industrials hygiene. Itasca, IL: National Safety Council.

Need assistance with the followingWORK MUST BE PLAGERIZED FREE!!!:

1) UNIT IV($15.00) - "MUST" be a minimum of pages in length using proper APA format not including title page or reference page. See syllabus attached.

Unit IV Essay

After reading the Unit IV Lesson and your assigned readings, choose three substances that were discussed. One substance must be agas/vapor hazard, one must be an aerosol hazard, and one must be a biological hazard.

Use each substance as "Level 1 Heading".

Write a minimum of one page for each hazard substance you choose (for a minimum of three pages total). ENSURE to summarize the following information within your essay for each substance:

**Explain whether the substance is a chemical or biological hazard, and explain how you determined that.

**Explain the key chemical properties (vapor pressure, vapor density, molecular weight, relative size) as applicable, and describe how these properties affect the different routes of exposure. Based on the chemical properties, how would you identify which exposure route is the most important?

**Analyze how the substance could enter the body through the dermal route, and discuss why the dermal route would or would not be important.

**Describe the region of the respiratory system where deposition would be expected (only for the aerosol hazard).

You should use your textbook and resources from the CSU Online Library to obtain information for this assignment. You must use proper APA formatting for all references that you use. The title page and reference page do not count toward meeting the required page count.

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Dissertation: Explain the key chemical properties as applicable and
Reference No:- TGS02408747

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