
Explain the installation steps and the key decisions you


1. Gather and analyze data for database performance and tuning.

2. Configure and tune a database for optimal performance.

Task # 1 Submit a work proposal for this assignment by the end of week 8th i.e. 3rd December, 2016 (11:55 pm) which must include:
- Understanding of deliverables - a detail description of deliverables
- General overview of proposed plan - initial understanding of solution for the task-2 and task-3.
- Timeline to complete the tasks and resources identified

The work proposal must be submitted in a word file through the link available in Moodle.

Task # 2

i. Explain the installation steps and the key decisions you would take during installation of any STATSPACK utility to collect data useful for measuring performance of database system. Your solution must also include the steps to generate the report having performance data between two snapshots of a database with necessary SQL commands. The installation and usage procedure must be demonstrated in the college lab in Week 12th as part of the viva.

Screenshots must be included in the solution.

ii. Interpret the buffer cache and log buffer performance ratios from the report and suggest whether tuning is required or not. Necessary screenshot(s) must be included from the STATSPACK report.

b) Discuss with practical examples using necessary SQL commands, how you would gather statistics related with shared pool tuning. Your solution must include the dynamic performance views related with shared pool tuning.

Task # 3 Prepare for a presentation in Week 12th on any one of the following topics:
- Automatic memory management
- Tuning database system I/O usage
- Tuning e-commerce applications Note:
- You must upload the presentation slides as a separate file (.PPT) in Moodle.
- You may include up to 7-8 slides in the presentation document
- Duration of presentation is 10 minutes.

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Computer Engineering: Explain the installation steps and the key decisions you
Reference No:- TGS01722640

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