Discussion Questions
1. Explain the innovation adoption process for SELCO systems in terms of the six factors that affect customers’s technology adoption decisions.
2. Of the various models of social entrepreneurship, which model does SELCO follow? Which of the challenges and success factors for base-of-the-pyramid strategies affect SELCO? Be specific in your elaboration.
3. What role has the marketing function played in SELCO’s success? What suggestions do you have to make their marketing more effective? 4. SELCO has been approached by people who would like a franchise to sell SELCO’s systems. Should SELCO sell franchises? Why or why not?
5. Is SELCO’s business model sustainable long-term? What are the threats to the business model and how can SELCO prepare for these?
6. Is the SELCO business model sufficiently scalable to support its growth goals? If not, what should it do?
7. What proactive actions can help SELCO cross the chasm in the Indian market?