
Explain the importance of marketing managers


Explain the importance to marketing managers of multiculturalism and growing ethnic markets. Multiculturalism occurs when all major ethnic groups in an area are roughly equally represented. Growing multiculturalism makes the marketer’s task more challenging. America is not a melting pot but numerous mini-melting pots. Hispanics are the fastest-growing segment of the population followed by African Americans. Many companies are now creating departments and product lines to effectively target multicultural market segments. Companies have quickly found that ethnic markets are not homogeneous.
Q1. Go to the library and look up a minority market such as the Hispanic market. Write a memo to your boss that details the many submarkets within this segment.
Q2. Using the library and the Internet, find examples of large companies directing marketing mixes to each major ethnic group.

Your answer must be, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides, APA format and also include references.

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Marketing Management: Explain the importance of marketing managers
Reference No:- TGS01955324

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