
Explain the importance of identifying and differentiating

2. Describe : Craft Production, Mass Production, Lean Production.

3. Explain the term : Value Added.

4. Explain the importance of identifying and differentiating order qualifiers and order winners.

5. Explain the term : Time based strategy and give three examples.

6. Explain the rationale of an operations strategy that seeks to increase the opportunity for use of technology by reducing variability in processing requirements.

7. What are some of the factors that cause organizations to redesign their products or services.

8. What is Mass Customization.

9. What is Reverse Engineering ? Do you feel this is Unethical?

10. What is the Chief role of the operation manager.

11. Explain:

a. Laplace Criterion.

b. Minimax Regret.

c. Expected Value.

d. Expected value of perfect information.

12. What information does a decision maker need in order to perform an expected value analysis of a problem? What options are available to decision maker if the probabilities of the states of nature are unkown?

13. For which decision environment is linear programming most suited ?

14. Explain:

a. Redundant Constraint

b. Basic Variables

c. Shadow Price

d. Range of feasibility

e. Range of optimality

14. Contrast the meaning of the terms Job enlargement & Job enrichment.

15. Could performance rating be avoided by studying a group of workers & averaging their time? Explain.

16. What is work sampling ? How does it differ from study ?

17. Explain : the quality of design & quality of conformance

18. What is ISO 9000 & why is it important for global business to have ISO Certification?

19. Explain the following methods:

a. The plan-to-study-act cycle

b. The 5W2H approach

20. List the steps in the control process.

21. Explain : x-bar , Range , p-chart , c-chart.

22. What are the requirements for effective inventory management?

23. List the major assumptions of the EOQ model.

24. Can the optimal stock level in the single period model ever be less than expected demand ? Explain.

25. What three levels of planning involve operations management? What kind of decisions are made in various levels?

26. What aggregate planning difficulty that might confront an organization offering a variety of products / services would not confront an organization offering one or a few similar product or services.

27. What are the inputs and outputs to master scheduling ?

28. How can the use of MRP contribute to productivity.

29. How does the purpose of ERP differ from the purpose of MRP 2.

30. What is the ultimate goal of JIT system? What are the supporting rolls & what are the building blocks ?

31. What are the main obstacles that must be overcome in converting from a traditional system to JIT system?

32. What is the hidden factory and how does JIT eliminate most of it ?

33. What are Gantt charts ? how are they used in scheduling ? what are the advantages of using it ?

34. Why are priority rules needed?

35. What factors would you take into account in deciding whether or not to split a job ?

36. What is the suppy chain ?

37. Explain Strategic partnering.

38. Describe what purchasing managers do

39. List the steps in risk management.

40. List the advantages of PERT. List the limitation.

41. What is the main benefit of project organization over more traditional forms of operations management for project work?




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Operation Management: Explain the importance of identifying and differentiating
Reference No:- TGS0785143

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