
Explain the historical and cultural perspectives of alcohol

Treatment Paper Assignment

Write a 4-5 page paper (typed, double spaced) explaining the principles and strategies of treatment options in the USA. Use this rubric and make sure to include certain required information. Use at least 2 credible sources of information and include this in the APA Style bibliography.

How many people need treatment and how many people actually receive treatment in the US?

List and explain the General Therapeutic Strategies or stages of treatment.
Include pharmacological maintenance and/or replacement therapies.
What does the addict/dependent person need to get clean and sober?

Stages of Change (DiClemmente and Prochaska)

Explain how each of the stages may influence or motivate an addict's attempts at getting clean and sober.

AA/ NA/ Alanon and NarAnon

What is the difference between treatment and 12 step programs/groups?


Properly cite at least 2 credible sources of information.

You will find the syllabus below if you want to know all subjects of this class.


Course Description:

An examination of alcohol and other drugs, to include their effects, classifications, impacts on individuals, families and communities both nationally and internationally. Students will build a framework of understanding alcohol and other drug issues. Specifically, how these issues affect physical, psychological and social wellbeing. In addition, use, abuse and addiction to chemicals; legal impact and the community response to controlling alcohol and drug problems will be investigated and contrasted.

Required Text:

Hanson, G., Venturelli, P., Fleckenstein, A. (2011 or 2014) Drugs and Society, Eleventh, Twelfth or Thirteenth Edition. Jones and Bartlett Publisher.

A copy of earlier edition texts will be available at the Reserve Desk in the Library

Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course the student will:

• Explain the historical and cultural perspectives of alcohol and drug use and misuse in the US.
• Demonstrate knowledge of present pharmacological impacts on drug use and drug addiction.
• Describe and discuss human neurophysiology and the effects of various drugs on this system.
• Interpret past US policies and law enforcement practices for specific drug categories and predict possible future drug policy outcomes.
• Explain and describe the distinction between alcohol/drug use, abuse and dependency.
• Identify the impact of abuse/addiction on individuals, communities and culture in the US.
• Analyze prevention, intervention and treatment modalities for populations experiencing alcohol/drug use, abuse and dependency.
• Develop a personal position regarding drug and alcohol use, based on the study of current trends and patterns in the US and internationally.

Treatment Paper: A 4-5 page paper (typed, double spaced) explaining principles and strategies of treatment for addiction/dependency. Use the rubrics on the syllabus to make sure to include certain required information. Use at least 2 credible sources of information and include this in a proper bibliography.

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Dissertation: Explain the historical and cultural perspectives of alcohol
Reference No:- TGS02519227

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