
Explain the high infant mortality rate


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation have provided a grant towards research that can help explain the high infant mortality rate and low birth weight in the United States compared to other wealthy countries. The goal of the research will be to eventually help city, state, and national health care programs provide better care where needed most. The attached dataset "Week 4" contains 6 variables: birth weight in grams, above or below poverty level, BMI of the mother, needed but couldn't afford care last 12 month, race/ethnicity of the mother, and insurance coverage status of mother.

a) The final case study will need the following sections: Introduction (summary of the report), Background (discuss the issues being addressed), Analysis/Methods (regression results and interpretation), Discussion (how can we use our model to predict birth weight), Conclusion.

b) The final case study should be 2000 to 3000 words.

c) Two types of regression should be included. One, a cut down regression from Case Study assignment 4 that kept only the most important variables. Two, a regression with other variables to allow you to point out in the text which variables do not lead to changes in birth weight.

d) At a minimum there should be a 2 tables describing the dataset (1 for categorical and 1 for continuous), histograms and bar charts describing birth weight alone and relation to other variables, and a table of regression results.

Keep in mind, the goal is to target programs where they will have the most bene t for raising birth weights. Your background, analysis, discussion, and conclusions should be aimed at providing guidance to policy makers and health care providers aiming to improve outcomes.

I have already finished the section c) and section d) in the part 1, which I will upload one file here named "C & D", please related to this file to finish a) and b).

Attachment:- Case Housing for Amazon Employees in Seattle.rar

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Microeconomics: Explain the high infant mortality rate
Reference No:- TGS02082706

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