
Explain the future and argues

Mark and Sally are a young, married couple considering the purchase of a new car. Mark feels his 10-year-old, four-door sedan is still working fine and there is no need to spend more money. Sally, who is 5 months pregnant, believes that the couple should invest in something newer and safer for their future children. Sally argues that the new car will be an investment for the future. Mark agrees to look but wants Sally to agree to lease a car first.

Sally wants to invest in the future and argues that the long-term cost of a new vehicle will be less than leasing. She also argues that a lease will keep the couple from selling the vehicle should it not meet the family's needs. Based on these factors, Sally wants to purchase a nice roomy van with automatic doors and extra safety features.Mark; however, eyes a new jeep that would accommodate a baby without giving up his young, carefree style. Though Mark is anxious to have the car of his dreams, he also knows that money is a factor. Mark and Sally have much to discuss to ensure they make the right purchase. Consider the factors that will help them make a decision as you address the questions in the assignment.

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Reference No:- TGS0548180

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