
Explain the florida administrative code

Assignment: Administrative law

You have recently been employed with a Florida state agency as an assistant in the human resources department. Your boss comes to you and explains that several department directors, who are considered "excluded career service employees," have sent an inter-office memorandum to the governor threatening a class-action lawsuit. The memorandum indicates that the directors have been required to regularly work more than 40 hours a week, and because they are excluded career service employees, they are not subject to receiving overtime. They further indicate that they believe that there is a Florida Administrative Code that speaks to this very issue, which authorizes compensation in the form of compensatory leave (comp time) as opposed to pay if they work more than 40 hours a week. However, they have not been given any compensatory leave for voluminous amounts of time worked over their 40-hour workweek for the last several years.

Your boss then instructs you to research the issue and prepare a research paper addressing the below issues:

1) Are the directors' complaints about not receiving compensatory time valid? Be specific as to why or why not.

2) If the complaints are valid, what Florida Administrative code addresses the issue? Explain in detail how it does or does not apply.

3) What should the agency be doing in the future to comply with the Florida Administrative code?

4) If the directors' complaints are valid, what should the agency do to make things "right" to avoid litigation?

The paper should be double-spaced, paginated, and in number 12-point font using Times Roman. The form and style will be found in the Sixth Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA). The paper should include an abstract and

1) a proper Introduction, which describes the focus and purpose of the paper you are writing. It also gives an overview of what is contained in the paper's various sections

2) Discussion section (the body of the paper)

3) Conclusions and

4) Reference page.

Your paper should be between 3 to 4 pages in length, exclusive of the abstract and reference page. Also, if you quote any of the applicable statutes/codes, it will not count as part of the 3 to 4 page content requirement.

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Other Subject: Explain the florida administrative code
Reference No:- TGS01996829

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