
Explain the festival preparation process to your

Technical and Professional Writing

Part 1- Discussion Board

You have just been hired by another company, and you will be starting your new job within a month. To take advantage of your skills in the interim, your supervisor has tasked you to train your replacement to coordinate many elements of next year's festival.

Accordingly, in a discussion of 300-500 words, explain the festival preparation process to your replacement based on all the task list assignments that you have written in the course to this point.

Part 2- Individual Project

Write a final report of 400-600 words that assesses your performance as a business writer in this course. Include the following in your report:
Introduce the discussion with an overview of the progress you have made in the course.

Next, evaluate every assignment you posted, and be honest and analytical in examining the strengths and weaknesses in your writing.

Then, address the most important professional writing skills you would like to improve on, and discuss possible strategies to affect these ends.
Close with a discussion on how the course has helped shape your academic and professional futures.

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Other Subject: Explain the festival preparation process to your
Reference No:- TGS01272186

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