Explain the Features of Major scheduling algorithms.
The Features of Major scheduling algorithms is given below:
- FCFS - i.e. First come first served scheduling
- Shortest Job First scheduling (SJF)
- Priority scheduling
- Round robin scheduling
First come first served scheduling-
- Process which request the CPU first is assigned CPU first
- Managed through FIFO queue.
- Average waiting time is usually long
- Non-pre-emptive
- For time-sharing systems, troublesome
Shortest job first (SJF)
- The process that has the smallest CPU burst time gets first
- This increases the waiting time of long processes.
- Problem - difficult to predict the length of subsequent CPU request
- May be non-pre-emptive or be preemptive
- Highest priority process finds CPU allocation first
- The larger the CPU burst then lowers the priority
- Priority can be explained internally or externally
- Can be non-pre-emptive or preemptive
- Problem-starvation i.e. blocking of process
- Solution-aging - raises the priority
Round robin
- Time quantum from 10 100 millisecond is described
- Processes are seem in circular queue
- CPU allocation is divided between processes accordingly
- Performance depends heavily upon time quantum
- Pre-emptive