
explain the features of alternaria1 alternaria

Explain the Features of Alternaria?

1. Alternaria colony is wooly and compact. Underside is very dark coloured. Colony colour is grayish green or black with gray edges rapidly spreading over entire plate.

2. Mycelium consists of short septate, branched and light brown coloured hypae.

3. Multiply asexually by spore production or conidia formation.

4. Conidia reproduced at tips of short hyphae. Special structures such as conidiophores are not recognized.

5. Conidia are large, dark coloured, multicellular and beaked. Transverse, as well as, longitudinal septa are present. 8-14 or even more cells are present per spore.

6. Spores of Alternaria belongs to the category of dictyospore.

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Biology: explain the features of alternaria1 alternaria
Reference No:- TGS0293084

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