Explain the fairness issues in terms of treating equals


• Identify the dilemma: explain the ethical support for alternative choices. Contrast reasons using prepositions: "Respect-for___," versus "Fairness- between_____&_____," versus "Consequences-of______" issues.

• Explain the Rights/Respect issues of who ought to have which rights based on promises, expectations, autonomy and dignity, not just laws. Use the phrase: "Respect for____" with our very limited sets of rights & duties: truth, promises, privacy, property, & health/body.

• Explain the Fairness/Justice issues in terms of treating equals the same and treating people with different of needs and earned differences, differently. Use the phrase: "Fair between ____&___."

• Explain the Benefits/Consequences in terms of who, when, size, and certainty of positive and negative consequences. Consider Long Run versus Short Run and use the phrase: "Consequences of______."

• Choose one position and explain WHY it is MORE ethical than the alternatives, refuting your support for the other positions. Where there is a dilemma, explain why ethical support for one choice is better than support for the other choices. Explain what about this case makes these ethical reasons more important.

The response must include a reference list. Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font, double-space, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Management: Explain the fairness issues in terms of treating equals
Reference No:- TGS03130519

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