
Explain the expansion to and settling of the

Essay Question I


Explain the expansion to and settling of the trans-Mississippi West. Describe the backgrounds and motives of male and female settlers of various ethnic and racial backgrounds, the economics of the frontier, ideologies about expansion, and the incentives that the federal government provided to encourage settlement.

Identify the methods the United States utilized to address the existence of Native Americans in the West. Explain the strategies of removal, treaty making, violence, and assimilation; consider the motives for each strategy and its benefits and drawbacks for settlers, Native Americans, and the United States.

Essay Question II

Essay Question:

Describe the competing cultural trends in the 1920s, including nativism, modernism, fundamentalism, black nationalism, and racism. Identify the reasons for the reemergence of the Ku Klux Klan, the origins of the black cultural renaissance, and the religious and social debates that led to the Scopes trial in Tennessee.

Analyze the influence of popular culture on social norms and morals. State the innovations that allowed for the spread of mass culture and explain their impact.

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History: Explain the expansion to and settling of the
Reference No:- TGS01627063

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