
Explain the events in evolutionary history

Multiple Choice Questions (Enter your answers on the enclosed answer sheet)

1) Which of the following statements about the Enuma Elish is NOT true?

A) It probably dates to about 2000 B.C.E..

B) A rebelling god and goddess were destroyed by Marduk.

C) Humans were created by the gods out of earth and water.

D) It is the creation myth of the people of Akkad.

2) In the mid-1700s, the more astute natural scientists:

A) had questioned the idea that all plant and animal species had been separately created.

B) had provided a substantial body of evidence that the Earth was many millions of years old.

C) had proved the biblical account of creation.

D) had developed the genetic theory of mutation transmission.

3) Charles Darwin:

A) argued that teleology was an integral part of all life.

B) refused to acknowledge that Alfred Russel Wallace had any useful ideas on evolution.

C) acknowledged that there was a ?Creator?.

D) based his ideas on evolution on data he gathered while traveling in southeast Asia.

4) The remains of Homo sapiens have been found throughout:

A) Java.

B) Australia.

C) Eurasia.

D) Africa.

5) Homo first used fire about:

A) 5 million years ago.

B) 200,000 years ago.

C)30,000 years ago.

D) 1 million years ago.

6) Homo sapiens:

A) was a tool user.

B) had the smallest brain capacity of any hominid yet discovered.

C) were first discovered in fossils in the late seventeenth century.

D) means ?man with developed brain?.

GED 130 Introduciton to Civilization

Final Examination

7)Most archaeologists and paleoanthropologists believe:

A) Homo erectus evolved into Homo sapiens only on the African continent.

B) Homo erectus first appeared in Africa.

C) Homo erectus first appeared in western Europe.

D) Homo erectus evolved into Homo sapiens in several regions.

8)Which of the following events in evolutionary history happened fi rst?

A) first birds

B) first amphibians

C) first dinosaurs

D) first reptiles

9)Which of the following is NOT a reason put forth in the text for the disappearance of Neanderthals?

A) Neanderthals interbred with Homo sapiens sapiens.

B) Homo sapiens sapiens destroyed the Neanderthals through violence.

C) Homo sapiens sapiens out-competed Neanderthals for resources.

D) Neanderthals warred with each other and drove themselves to extinction.

10) Linguist Noam Chomsky argues that the ability to use language is:
A) genetic.

B) learned from the environment.

C) learned from parents.

D) a gift of the gods.

11)The ?Venus? figurine pictured in the text:

A) was made between 5,000 and 7,000 years ago.

B) is probably a fertility charm.

C) indicates that the people of that era were on a near-starvation diet.

D) was found in southern Africa.

12) Which of the following stages of human development happened fi rst?
A) rapid brain growth

B) human migrations to America

C) development of speech

D) domestication of animals

GED 130 Introduction to Civilization

Final Examination

13) The first animals to be domesticated in the ?Fertile Crescent? were:
A) goats and sheep.

B) dogs.

C) llamas and turkeys.

D) pigs and cattle.

14) Which of the following empires was organized fi rst?
A) Persian

B) Assyrian

C) Neo-Babylonian

D) Hittite

15) The Bronze Age:
A) occurred before there were written records.

B) was a time of significant technological breakthroughs.

C) preceded the Paleolithic Age.

D) was a time when little of relevance occurred.

16) The world?s first system of writing evolved in:
A) southeast Asia.

B) the Indus Valley.

C) Khmer.

D) Sumer.

17) The Sumerians were finally conquered by:
A) Nefertiti of Egypt.

B) Sargon of Akkad.

C) Alexander the Great of Macedon.

D) Hammurabi of Babylon.

18) Although the Sumerians did not speak Semitic, their use of Semitic names suggests:

A) they had been ruled at one time by a Semitic-speaking people.

B) Semitic-speaking people may have preceded them in the area.

C) their language had evolved from Semitic.

D) that they had migrated from a Semitic speaking region.

19) Which of the following is NOT a Sumerian city-state?
A) Akkad

B) Kish

C) Uruk

D) Lagash

GED 130 Introduciton to Civilization

Final Examination

20) The city-states of Mesopotamia were especially vulnerable due to:
A) inter-urban warfare.

B) their lack of organized armies.

C) inability to grow enough food to adequately feed their populations.

D) powerful external enemies.

21) In Sumerian times, the idea of legal identity and loyalty was based most fundamentally on:

A) clan.

B) religion.

C) class.D) geography.

22) Of the following, which has given us the best idea of important Sumerian values?

A) royal correspondence

B) lamentations

C) king lists

D) epics

23) This people invented writing:
A) Babylonians

B) Akkadians

C) Sumerians

D) Egyptians

24) Scholars know the least about this civilization:
A) Nile valley

B) Greek city-states

C) Indus valley

D) Tigris-Euphrates valley

25) Egyptians wrote on paper made from:
A) linen.

B) papyrus pith.

C) cotton.

D) limestone fl akes.

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