Vital Signs: HR 76, RR 14 BP 130/98, Temp 100.0 oral, O2 sat-92%
Maggie is a 27 year old. Filipina single woman, accompanied by an aunt and uncle with whom she lives.
Chief Complaint:
" I have schizophrenia and I need my medications ordered."
History of Chief Complaint:
The psychiatrist who has been treating the patient does not take her insurance any longer, so she needs a new provider. She has been taking olanzapine 15 milligrams daily.
Past Psychiatric History:
Maggy started hearing voices as a freshman in college. Initially, the voices were just chattering, but then started saying they were going to hurt her. She said. I thought people were stalking me. She was treated by a psychiatrist. With that helped. She thought that she was fine and stopped taking the lawns of pain. She relaxed and was hospitalized and was prescribed risperidone before being discharged, but she could not sleep. She was prescribed a variety of antipsychotic medication ( ziprasidone, aripiprazole, quetiapine). They did not control the paranoid thinking and the voices were loud and threatening. Eventually, She was prescribed olanzapine again, which she described as the most effective.
Explain the etiology of schizophrenia to the nursing student. Include any cultural considerations. (Elaborate on at least 3 concepts)