
Explain the economic impacts on host minority communities

Explain the economic impacts on host minority communities of organizations under a contract or government funding or corporations - their promises, plans to carry out the promises and how the results have impacted minority community in terms of how many local jobs were created and taxes created etc. Look into:- - How the project affects local targeted economy (What are the contributions, if any of following opportunities, at a minimum including metrics?) An Example is the ongoing Mercedes-Benz Stadium - Increases in property taxes - Increases in sales taxes, fees, and other user charges - Market values of real and personal property - Average salaries of local residents - Number of local people working on project - Local purchases for supplies and equipment - Living wage and prevailing wage improvement - Local hiring goals, including metrics - Job training programs, including metrics - Black/local business contracting goals - Union neutrality requirements - Retail/commercial space set-asides for small and local businesses - Green building requirements - Space set-asides for neighborhood organizations, community centers, child-care centers, and other non-profits - Construction of parks and recreational facilities - Provisions for community input in the selection of tenants - Funding for community organizations/programs - Mitigations in excess of those required under state/local law that address parking, traffic, increased pollution, and other environmental impacts - Affordable housing - Contributions to local non-profits - Are there any reductions in use of infrastructure (water, roads, sewer) - Affects on Public education is area - Affects on Public services (fire, police, libraries)

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Operation Management: Explain the economic impacts on host minority communities
Reference No:- TGS01263546

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