
Explain the dynamics of how self esteem affects self

Discussion - Self Esteem and Self Efficacy

Explain the dynamics of how self esteem affects self efficacy. Provide an example of an internal or external force that impacts your self-efficacy. Respond to at least two of your peers for this posting and provide recommendations to extend their thinking.

Explain the dynamics of how self-esteem affects self-efficacy?

Donald Baack defines self-esteem when he states, "Self-esteem constitutes a belief about how a person evaluate his or her self-worth" (Baack, 2012).  Baack also defines self-efficacy as, "A person's belief about his or her ability to successfully complete a task" (Baack, 2012).  Although these terms are very close in definition, there are differences in the dynamics of the two.  Self-esteem refers to the low or high level of belief that someone has in themselves.  For example, if you have a positive self-image of yourself you may work harder, perform better, and feel healthier.  Likewise, if your self-image is low you may not feel good about yourself and your performance may suffer.  Self-efficacy on the other hand is confidence in your belief that you will succeed despite any odds that may exist.  For example, I am confident that despite the aches and pains of my aging body, I know I can run my next 5K in 30 minutes or less.

Provide an example of an internal or external force that impacts your self-efficacy?

Internal forces that impact my self-efficacy at this stage of my life are the confidence and experience I need to move forward with a career change.  While I am confident that my education and volunteer experiences are creating an opportunity to have a long and happy career that I'm passionate about, I know there are external forces at work as well.  As a general rule, I am optimistic about our economy and country.  However, there are things within our economy that our out of my control and affect how I am feeling and my confidence in what may happen with my career in the future.

References: Baack, D. (2012). Organizational behavior. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.

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Dissertation: Explain the dynamics of how self esteem affects self
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