
Explain the dream and try to answer the authors question


a) The article describes the author's dream, and the author asks, "Why was she (his sister, Sue) suddenly haunting me, and why had she been transformed into a threatening banshee?" Explain this dream and try to answer the author's question three different ways using the following three dream theories, the Psychoanalytic view of dreams as Unconscious Wish Fulfillment, the Evolutionary Psychology theory of Dreams-for Survival, and from the Neuroscience viewpoint of the Activation Synthesis Theory. Use examples from the article to help clarify your explanations.

b) The author writes, "When I was asleep I was not lucid - I didn't realize that I was dreaming. Nor did my disbelief in ghosts enter my awareness." And "While dreaming the brain's ability to question or doubt what's happening is offline." Explain this

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Reference No:- TGS03248271

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