
Explain the diversity policies of the chosen organisation

Assessment Task

Task Details

This is a group (of 2 students) assignment; therefore both the research report and presentation should involve ALL members of the group. The group needs to demonstrate the cohesiveness of the team, valuing the diversity of each member of the team, and their contribution to it. Read on for further instruction of the assessment.

Part A - research report

You are to research and produce a written report (maximum 1500 words), highlighting diversity of an Australian award winning organisation from AHRI website. You are to select one (1) of the companies from the https://www.ahri.com.au/awards/ahri-awards/awards-finalist/workplace-diversity-finalist page.

This organisation must be approved by the teacher, who will check it has sufficient content in its Diversity Policy for you to prepare a written report and a presentation.

Once an organisation is selected, search for the organisation's Diversity Policy.

‘Organisation' + Diversity Policy

(Make sure you are accessing the company's web site not a web site discussing the company's information)

In your report, include the following guidelines:

1. Introduction of the research report
- The purpose of the research report
- Introduction of the organisation
- Reasons why you have chosen this particular company

2. Discuss the diversity within your chosen organisation
- Explain the diversity policies of the chosen organisation
- What are the chosen organisation's diversity strengths
- Implementation of the policies to the specific work context and that they are understood by all parties
- Diversity of staff, customers, suppliers, business partners, community or as relevant to the organisation

3. Discuss specific issues which apply to the chosen organisation.
- Allegations of harassment and how the chosen organisation address complaints according to established organisational procedures
- What sort training needs established to address issues of difference (conflict) in the team

4. Discuss the benefits of productive diversity of the chosen organisation
- How do the chosen organisation promote workforce diversity
- Case study of diversity within the chosen organisation - person or program (present a Case Study of the Diversity of at least one person or a community program within the company)

5. Conclusion
- Include a summary of your assignment outlining the main points that you have made and any recommendations that you would like to suggest.
- Bibliography - referencing correct

The following websites may assist you in your research. You are not limited to using these websites only.
- Australian Human Rights Commission
- Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI)
- AHRI Diversity Awards
- Diversity Council of Australia
- Australian Government, Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade
- Racism No Way
- Origins Info

Part B - Presentation

The group needs to demonstrate the cohesiveness of the team, valuing the diversity of each member of the team, and their contribution to it.

The presentation format is your choice and can include power point, prezzi or other presentation mediums.

The presentation is to include the main points from all sections of your report in Part A.

Students who do not attend class for the presentation or contribute to the preparation of the presentation will not be deemed competent for this unit of study.

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Marketing Research: Explain the diversity policies of the chosen organisation
Reference No:- TGS02288307

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