
Explain the dimension within the general environment



Management 303 SWOT Analysis

This outline is provided to help you organize your SWOT Analysis paper. Do NOT turn in an outline for your SWOT assignment. You must submit a written SWOT Analysis PAPER, properly formatted, cited and grammatically correct with a minimum of 1000 words. You need to write a minimum of one paragraph for each sub-section of the outline.

I. Organization History, includinga Mission Statement if possible(15points)

II. Organizational Strengths and Weaknesses(45 points)
A. First Organizational Strength

1. Reason it is considered a strength

2. Explain why this strength is a distinctive competence
B. Second Organizational Strength

1. Reason it is considered a strength

2. . Explain why this strength is a distinctive competence
C. First Organizational Weakness.

1. Reason it is considered a weakness.

2. Discuss how the organization can minimize this weakness.
D. Second Organizational Weakness

1. Reason it is considered a weakness

2. Discuss how the organization can minimize this weakness.

III. Opportunities / Threats(55 points)

A. First Opportunity

1. Explanation of the Dimension within the General Environment and specific Force coming from that dimension that is creating the opportunity

2. Explanation of why it's an opportunity and how it affects the organization
B. Second Opportunity

1. Explanation of the Dimension within the General Environment and specific Force coming from that dimension that is creating the opportunity

2. Explanation of why it's an opportunity and how it affects the organization
C. First Threat

1. Explanation of the Dimension within the General Environment and specific Force coming from that dimension that is creating the threat

2. Explanation of why it's a threatand how it affects the organization
D. Second Threat

1. Explanation of the Dimension within the General Environment and specific Force coming from that dimension that is creating the threat

2. Explanation of why it's a threatand how it affects the organization

IV. Summary (15 points)
A. Discussion as to how the organization can capitalize on the opportunities that are occurring from the dimensions from within the general environment
B. Discussion as to how the organization can neutralize the threats that are occurring from the dimensions from within the general environment.
• References list and APA parenthetical citations(5 points)
• Spelling/grammar/organization (5 points)

Principles of Management

SWOT Analysis Rubric

Analyze the internal and external environments of the organization along the following terms. You must use the mandatory outline located in Doc Sharing to organize your paper. You do not need to turn in your outline. Your analysis should a minimum of 1000 words.

Section Description Points

Section I

• Write a brief company history, including a mission statement if available. 15Points

Section II • Thoroughly explain at least two major Strengths and two major Weaknesses (review Chapter 9) of the organization.

• For each strength, discuss why this strength can be considered a distinctive competence for the organization.

• For each weakness, discuss what the organization could do to minimize that weakness.

• You should have a minimum of a full paragraph for each discussion of each strength and weakness.

• Note: Bullet points are NOT acceptable. 45Points

Section III • Thoroughly research and analyze two Opportunities and two Threats that this organization is facing. Each of these opportunities and threats must come from a force or forces occurring within a dimension or dimensions of the general environment within the organization's external environment (Keep in mind an opportunity or threat can stem from more than one dimension within the general environment.). Be sure to include in your discussion the relevant dimensions of the general environment from which each of these forces is derived that are creating the specific opportunity or threat for the organization.

o PLEASE NOTE: The dimensions of the general environment are outlined in Chapter 2 and in Week 1's Lecture.

• Include in your analysis an explanation of how each of the opportunities and threats will likely impact the company and why. Include other companies/industries on which this may also have an effect. You should have a minimum of a full paragraph for each discussion of each opportunity and threat.

• Note: Bullet points are NOT acceptable. 55Points

Section IV • Briefly summarize your SWOT analysis.

• Discuss how the organization can capitalize on the opportunities that are occurring from the dimensions from within the general environment and how the organization can neutralize the threats that are occurring from the dimensions from within the general environment.

• Note: Bullet points are NOT acceptable. 15Points

Paper Format • Correctly produced APA parenthetical citations and reference list. You must have a minimum of three external research sources in addition to the Robbins and Coulter text.

• Spelling, grammar, organization 5Points

A few other notes:

• To help you better understand how to complete a SWOT Analysis, please review the section titled, "The Strategic Management Process" in Chapter 9, reread Weeks1 and 2's Lectures, and review the SWOT Analysis article that is loaded in Doc Sharing.

• Please refer to the Library link within The HUB and the APA resources posted in Doc Sharing (to find these documents in Doc Sharing, use the drop down menu) to properly cite your paper using APA.

• Your topic is due in Week 1, posted for me to review in the Q&A Forum topic of the Discussions. This is not graded, but required.

• The entire SWOT case paper is worth 140 points.

• Please name your paper "LastName FirstName_303SWOT."

Please let me know if you have any questions!

I HIGHLY recommend that you watch the presentation on APA Citation located in the HUB.

See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information.

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