
Explain the differences between the two research approaches

1 Assignment Objectives

Demonstrate an understanding of qualitative, quantitative, mixed and action research methods

Within the Discussion Board area, write 200-300 words

In this class, you will develop a research proposal based on a business, organizational problem, or topic that you want to explore. If you need help in finding a problem to explore, check the following Web sites for help in brainstorming an organizational issue:

•History of quality management Web site
•Total quality management information Web site

Types of Research:

Discuss the following:

•Explain the differences between the two research approaches.

•Explain why each researcher chose the correct research approach (quantitative or qualitative) for their particular research question.

•How would you determine what strategy to use for a research project?

Provide citations and references for your articles in accordance with APA guidelines

2 Assignment Objectives

300-500 words
Recognize ethical issues in the conduct of research and evaluation and their relevance to research efforts

Part one:

Ethics in Research

Utilizing the internet, Library, and/or your textbook, choose one example of unethical research:

•Summarize the research.
•Explain why the research was unethical.
•Explain what changes (if any) in research resulted.

You may wish to review an example timeline by clicking here.

Part two:

Select an organizational issue, problem, or topic that you would like to research. Write 1 research question or hypothesis regarding that, in preparation for the assignments in Units 3-5.

3 Assignment Objectives

Identify and select research designs, methodologies, analysis, and measurement strategies to be used in order to conduct a successful research project

Select an organizational issue, problem, or topic that you would like to research. You have the option to either write a narrative 800-1,000 word paper or create a 6-8 slide (not including title/reference slides) PowerPoint about your proposed research.

Either choice requires you to include the following information:

•The business, organizational problem, or topic
•The problem statement
•The research strategy that you will use to explore the problem
•1 research question or hypothesis
•Your rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy
•1 research instrument that you will use to collect data

In addition, you must develop a questionnaire or survey. Complete the following steps:

•Create 5 research questions for your study.
•Send your research survey to at least 5 people.

You will interpret the results of this survey in Week 5.

4 Assignment Objectives

Identify and select research designs, methodologies, analysis, and measurement strategies to be used in order to conduct a successful research project

The discussion assignment for this week includes a review of the IP5 final project completed by one of your classmates.

Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own IP5 summary to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes that you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the IP5 that you will complete next week.
Include a summation of your preliminary data results.

5 Assignment Objectives

Apply research concepts and principles by developing a research strategy and proposal for a project

Part one:

During the past few weeks, you have considered the various elements of the research project. Compile all of the sections of your research strategy ideas from Week 3. Retrieve your survey results this week to complete your final project in Week 5.

The following sections (500 words or 1-2 slides total) should be added to your research project analysis:
•Your ethical considerations
•Your sample population
•Your data analysis summary
•Your measurement strategy

Based on comments from your instructor and peers in Week 3 and 4, edit and refine any sections of the final research plan. Add a section of 300-500 words or 1-2 slides about how you interpreted the data from your survey or questionnaire in Week 3. Add this section at the end of your research project.

Part two:

Complete the final edits of your final research proposal paper or PowerPoint. The required sections include the following:
•The business and organizational problem or topic
•The problem statement
•The research strategy that you used to explore the problem
•1 research question or hypothesis
•Your rationale for selecting your proposed research strategy
•1 research instrument that you will use to collect data
•A copy of the questionnaire or survey
•A section on ethical considerations for your project
•Your sample population
•Your data analysis summary
•Your measurement strategy
•The research results

#6 Summative Discussion Board

Assignment Objectives

Apply research concepts and principles by developing a research strategy and proposal for a project

Review and reflect on the knowledge you have gained from this course. Based on your review and reflection, write at least 3 paragraphs on the following:

•What type of research study is the most comfortable for you?

•How did participating in discussions help your understanding of the subject matter? Is anything still unclear that could be clarified?

•Has this course assisted you in understanding data presented in research studies that you come across in your daily life (work or personal)? Explain.

•The main post should include at least 1 reference to research sources, and all sources should be cited using APA format.

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Dissertation: Explain the differences between the two research approaches
Reference No:- TGS01401437

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