
Explain the differences between a separation of duties and

You are a local business owner, and you've recently hired a new General Manager (GM). The GM will be responsible for hiring, firing, and placing new employee's in their positions. After working with the new GM for a few weeks, you notice that the he does not like to delegate job duties to new employees. When you ask him about it, he says that he does not trust the employees enough to hand over these responsibilities to them yet. He decides to handle all the HR, payroll, and expense sheets himself. Is this a good idea?

In your discussion post:

Explain the differences between a separation of duties and job rotation. Why is separation of duties important? Why would you do job rotation?

What is the purpose of each? What does each prevent?

Using the public web (i.e., a search engine like Google or Bing), find an example of a security breach involving job rotation or separation of duties. Summarize the article you've found in a paragraph. Provide the link to the article for your peers.

List three (3) other security measures you can put in place. When you are commenting on your peers' posts, discuss their measures that they've listed. Do you think these are useful? What are the possible pros and cons of the security measures they've listed?

If you do not know anything about the topics being discussed, conduct some research and come back to the board. Remember to provide proper APA citation for any resources you use and make sure to include the source links. Remember to proofread and spell check your discussion contributions before posting.

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Computer Engineering: Explain the differences between a separation of duties and
Reference No:- TGS02517624

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