
Explain the difference between whisking and folding


1) Hot cross buns and fruit buns are cooked at a lower temperature than dinner rolls. Explain why.

2) How do you make sure you use the required amount of batter for your finished product?

3) Describe five ways you could increase the nutritional value of classical and contemporary cakes, pastries and breads or their fillings

4) Explain the most common way to incorporate fat into flour when making short and sweet pastry. Include the name of this method in your answer.

5) Describe the method you would use to make crème Chantilly, using 300 ml cream, 20 g caster sugar and 2 drops vanilla essence.

6) Explain why pastry should not be over-handled and should be allowed to rest between preparation and rolling.

7) You can make puff pastry using either book fold or three fold turn. Explain what you should do with the dough after every second turn and why

8) List the steps for preparing pastry cream

9) Explain how to make strudel pastry.

10) Describe the difference between a classical mille-feuilles and a contemporary mille-feuilles.

11) Describe unleavened bread

12) Explain why we brush bread rolls with an egg wash glaze prior to cooking.

13) Explain why the prover should be set at 27 degrees and 80% relative humidity.

14) Explain the difference between whisking and folding.

15) What other sweet fillings could you use to make a pie or tart instead of only apple?

16) Explain the process of 'proving'.

17) Describe the best temperature and humidity conditions for proving.

18) Explain what happens to dough when you prove it.

19) List three reasons why you should knock back dough.

20) When preparing dough, it's important to keep it cool so it's easier to knead, roll and cut. List two ways to do this.

21) List three quality checks you should look for when evaluating a Genoise Sponge, after baking.

22) List one method or technique for cutting, moulding and shaping for the following?





















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Biology: Explain the difference between whisking and folding
Reference No:- TGS03322010

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