Question 1:
1) Form the -ve hexadecimal number to 2's hex
hex to bin , bin to 2's , 2's to hex
Convert: -(C4)16 = (F3C)16
2) Convert 2's binary to decimal
2's - 1 , !bits , val = - (bin to dec):
Convert: (10110110)2 = (-74)10
3) Convert -ve decimal to binary
dec to bin , bin to 2's
Convert: (-217)10 = (1111111100100111)2s
4) Convert -ve decimal to hexadecimal
dec to 2's , 2's to hex
Convert: (-456)10 = (FE38)16
5) Convert -ve hexadecimal to decimal
hex to bin (2's) , 2's - 1 , !bits , val = - (bin to dec)
Convert: (5E9)16 =
Question 2:
Pay attention to the BASEs in each expression
1) (10101)2 + (1111)2 = ( )2
2) (10001)2 - (11001)2 = ( )2
3) (101)2 + (101)10 = ( )16
4) (101)10 - (101)16 = ( )2's
5) (ABC)16 + (DEF)16 = ( )16
6) (FED)16 - (DEF)16 = ( )2's
Question 3:
a. In the schematic diagram below, for each block 1 through 7, briefly explain its main function.
b. Explain the difference between the following two instructions (c++ code) as far as the machine execution cycle followed in the diagram below:
- bool x = true || false;
- float x = 1.1 + 2.2;