Explain the difference between the following pairs of sentences. Are there any pronunciation differences?
1) She read the letter which upset me.
She read the letter, which upset me.
2) He keeps his canary in the bathroom.
He keeps his canary in the bathroom?
3) They went to Austria and Italy.
They went to Austria and Italy...
Analyze this sentence into morphemes, curly brackets { } are often used to indicate morphemes, and you can do so.
first he puts dirty sweater and socks into the washing machine,
then returned to the armchair in front of the television.
are there any difference between the italicized words?
you have made absolutely no progress
if you want to progress, you' ll have to work harder.
is room in these sentences one word or two? Are there any teaching implications?
This room is quite small, we could use it as the office.
There's not enough room in the case for your dressing gown.