
Explain the difference between surface and deep culture

Assignment: Culture and Language and Its Influence on Development

Short Answer Assessment Submission Form


This component of your competency assessment requires written short-answer responses to a series of activities. This document is your tool for capturing your response to each question.

You will find the short answer prompts below. After each prompt, you will be provided a space to enter your response.

To begin writing your response, begin typing where it reads "Click Here to Enter Text."

Your responses should:

1. Reflect the criteria provided in the Rubric
2. Follow the conventions of scholarly writing as presented in the Writing Checklist
3. Adhere to the 2-3 paragraphs limit for each question

Short Answer 1

Explain the difference between surface and deep culture. In your response, include an explanation of why it is important for early childhood professionals to learn more about children's deep culture.

Short Answer 2

Describe how cultural contexts influence the social-emotional and cognitive domains of child development. Provide two examples to support your description.

Short Answer 3

Describe at least two classroom strategies that can foster the development of dual- language learners.

View the following interview with two Congolese parents about their experience as an immigrant family, and then answer questions 4 - 7.

• Youtube video- Darragh, J. (2013). 10 ngeno story [Video file].

Short Answer 4

Describe at least two unique elements of this family's cultural experience that teachers and caregivers would need to understand in order to foster the development and learning of the children in this family.

Short Answer 5

Explain the importance of culture in child development. Describe how the children in the video serve as an illustration of Head Start Principle One: Every individual is rooted in culture (Office of Head Start, 2008).

Reference: Office of Head Start. (2008a). Principle one: Every individual is rooted in culture. In Revisiting and updating the multicultural principles for head start programs for head start programs serving children ages birth to five (pp. 11-19). Washington, DC: Author.

Short Answer 6

Describe at least one strategy teachers or caregivers could use to become aware of factors within themselves that might result in bias or cultural discontinuity.Describe how cultural bias or cultural discontinuity, from a caregiver or educator, could affect the learning and development of the children in this family.

Short Answer 7

As an early childhood teacher working with this family, what strategy would you use in the classroom environment to foster dual-language development? What strategy would you suggest to the family to foster dual-language development at home? Describe each strategy, and explain why you selected these strategies.

View the video in the following blog post of dual-language classrooms in one school in San Jose, California, and then answer questions 8 and 9.

• Maxwell, L. A. (2012, April 3). A look inside dual-language classrooms [Blog post].

Short Answer 9

Imagine you are an administrator for the school in this video. Suggest at least two strategies the teachers in the school could use to improve the teaching and learning practices in the early education dual-language classrooms featured in this video. Explain why these strategies are effective.

View the following video about a cultural advocacy group in a Native American community, and then answer questions 10 and 11.

• Youtube video- All Indian Pueblo Council [everydaydemocracy]. (2011, November 18). Everyday democracy: Strong starts for Pueblo children [Video file].

Short Answer 10

Explain how the cultural context influences the All Indian Pueblo Council's approach to childcare. Support your answer with at least two examples from the video.

Short Answer 11

Describe at least two issues of cultural discontinuity facing the tribe and how these issues affect their approach to childcare.

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Dissertation: Explain the difference between surface and deep culture
Reference No:- TGS02547404

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