
Explain the difference between software and firmware


1. If a computer has 4 GB of SRAM, how many bytes of read/write memory does it contain?

2. Explain the difference between software and firmware.

3. Explain the difference between a mask-programmable ROM and a fusible-link PROM.

4. Explain the difference between a UV EPROM and an EEPROM.

5. Why have hard disks become almost stand bulk storage devices on most microcomputers'.

6. List several types of nonvolatile read/write memory.

7. Internet research: Why might you order a so state drive instead of a hard disk drive in a new computer?

8. Internet research: What is a hybrid hard disk drive?

9. Internet research: What is a holographic versatile disc (HVD)?

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Other Engineering: Explain the difference between software and firmware
Reference No:- TGS02337928

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