Explain the difference between rationalism and empiricism

Discussion Post: Philosophy- Kant to the rescue

Immanuel Kant was a happy rationalist who was particularly fond of Leibniz' work. And then he read David Hume's radical empiricism. According to Kant, Hume "woke me from my dogmatic slumber." Kant was still fond of rationalism but he realized that Hume had a legitimate point. So, Kant set himself the project of figuring out how to rescue rational certainty in light of Hume's observations about what we find in sense experience.

In your post, explain the difference between rationalism and empiricism, and how Kant tried to answer Hume. What do you think of Kant's solution?

Discussion Assignments have the following objectives:

• Identify and describe key concepts presented in textbook reading material, video lectures, and other assigned content.
• Draw connections between assigned content material and practical areas of interest.
• Explore ideas in philosophical depth beyond the presentation of course material.
• Draw connections between philosophical discourse and one's practical life.
• Engage in respectful philosophical conversation.

The response must include a reference list. One-inch margins, double-space, Using Times New Roman 12 pnt font and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Explain the difference between rationalism and empiricism
Reference No:- TGS03187076

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