
Explain the difference between overflow and a carry -

Signed Numbers, Strings, and Tables

Section - Signed Number Arithmetic Operations

1. In an 8-bit operand, bit ___ is used for the sign but, whereas in a 16-bit operand, bit ___ is used for the sign bit.

2. Convert 16H to its 2's complement.

3. The range of byte-sized signed operands is ____ to _____. The range of word--sized signed operands is ______ to _______.

4. Explain the difference between overflow and a carry.

5. Explain the purpose of the CBW and CWD instructions. Demonstrate the effect of CBW on AL=F6H. Demonstrate the effect of CWD on AX=124CH

6. The instruction for signed multiplication is ________. The instruction for signed division is ________.

7. Explain the difference between the SHR and SAR instructions.

8. For each of the following instructions, indicate the flag condition necessary for each jump to occur
a. JLE
b. JG

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Dissertation: Explain the difference between overflow and a carry -
Reference No:- TGS02354769

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