
Explain the difference between determinism and

1. Explain the difference between determinism and compatibilism (a.k.a. soft determinism). Using either the views of David Hume or John Stuart Mill, explain why the compatibilist believes that we can still have free will even if there is no possibility of doing otherwise.

2. Explain the difference between a first-order desire and second-order desire on Harry Frankfurt's view. Also explain what a second-order volition is. Why does Frankfurt believe that in order to have free will, one must form second-order volitions?

3. Explain why R.G. Collingwood believes that the work of art is an imaginary object and not a physical object. If the Mona Lisa were to be stolen from the Lourve, many art lovers would be very upset. Somebody might point to this and argue that if the work of art were not a physical object, why would art lovers get so upset over the painting being stolen? Surely, she might argue, this would show that art objects are actually physical objects. Can Collingwood successfully defend his view against this argument? Explain why or why not.

4. In the art world, it sometimes happens (as with the case of the paintings of Han van Meegeren) that forged art works are not discovered to be forgeries until decades after they were first created. Why does Dennis Dutton believe that even if the physical qualities of the art work remain the same after it is discovered to be a forgery, the art critic is still justified in believing that the discovery of the forgery lowers the artistic value of the work?

5. Consider Sartre's story of the woman who is going out with a man for the first time. What attitude is she taking towards the man's words? What attitude is she taking towards his actions? How do these attitudes cause her to be in bad faith?

6. Explain what the Look of the Other is for Jean-Paul Sartre, and how this look alienates us. How is romantic love supposed to offer us a refuge from this Look?

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Term Paper: Explain the difference between determinism and
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