
explain the dietary modifications - obesitythe

Explain the Dietary Modifications - Obesity?

The dietary modifications serve as a guide for the obese to make healthy food choices. The first step towards prescribing a diet for weight reduction is to take a careful dietary history of the obese person. You need to know the routine eating pattern, the diet he/she is accustomed to, availability of foods and the likes and dislikes. The daily diet plan should have an energy deficit of 500-1000 Kcal in general. It is also important for us to know whether the person has tried to lose weight earlier too and what advice was given then and why was the outcome unsatisfactory. All this information can be gathered in a few minutes and this could form the basis of providing appropriate advice to the obese for losing weight. The following dietetic principles must be ' considered while planning diets for weight reduction. Of course, you will be learning more about this aspect in your practical too.


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Biology: explain the dietary modifications - obesitythe
Reference No:- TGS0309533

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